Violin Lessons

Musical Inn Music School

Music Violin Preschoolers Primary
Ages 4 - 12
Pelangi Damansara, Petaling Jaya

Young children often become fascinated with learning to play the violin, and if so, they should be encouraged. The physical, mental, and social benefits of playing a musical instrument are well-known, but the violin offers some rather surprising additions. Benefits of playing the violin are also social. Not only does it provide a conversational point, but young children gain self-discipline from repeated practice. There is also amazing benefits from having something in their lives that they can control. Learning to play violin can build self-reliance, self-esteem, and self-awareness.


RM 40 per lesson


Once per week


Payment Method : Monthly Class duration : 45 minutes Trial classes : Kindly book from the button above. Class schedule: Weekdays and weekends (except Sunday)