Taekwondo teaches self-defense. Physical fitness is a pre-requisite for self-defense. Limited contact sparring is also an essential step to learning the adequate self-defense skills. Beware Taekwondo schools that do not practice sparring, use only non-contact sparring or avoid competitions altogether. Competition, not isolation, breeds excellence. Taekwondo is distinctly and proudly Korean. In Korean a Taekwodno school is called a “Dojang” and sometimes “Kwan”. The Korean terms for instructor “Sabonim” and “KwaJang” for the person in charge of the school. Beware Taekwondo School that use the Japanese or Chinese term such as “Dojo”, “Professor”, “Sifu” or “Sensei”.
RM 14 per lesson
2 time(s) per week
Payment Method : Monthly Registration Fee : RM 30 Uniform : RM 100 Quarterly Test : RM 40 Class duration : 1 hour 30 minutes Trial classes : Kindly book from the button above.