Acoustic Guitar Classes

Julliad Music School of Performing Arts

Music Guitar
Ages 7 - 12
Aman Suria, Petaling Jaya

Our year-long accredited music courses give you the opportunity to take Trinity Guildhall graded examination as well as ABRSM graded examination. As we are official appointed as Trinity Guildhall examination venue for our students, we offer a variety of music theory courses to prepare you for the Associated Board’s music theory graded exams, and workshops for building songwriters. We always try to uncovered a music talent in each of our student and helped them gain the confidence they both needed to grow as musicians. By using a variety of techniques to help our students grasp the abstract concepts of rhythm, harmony, dissonance, musical “color” and much more.


RM 45 per lesson


Once per week


Payment Method : Monthly Registration Fees : RM 50 Class duration : 30 minutes Trial classes : Trial classes are available upon appointment. Kindly drop your interest at the button above.